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Dragons & Elfs Wiki


Fruit Trees (levels 4-10) are the main source of Fruits, they can be tapped or harvested for their own specific fruit. There are seven types of Fruits ... oranges, pomegranates, litchis, persimmons, mangoes, plums and durians. Fruits are also found in some Stages.

Each type of fruit can be harvested or merged to get Magic Gems (levels 1-4) and Rukh Orbs (Mini-Small) The litchi, persimmon, mango, plum and durian fruits also have a chance to give Elf Chests (levels 1-4) or Elf Egg Chests (small) green style which are typically harvested from Fruit Trees.

Tapping and merging Fruits appear in a number of Homeland Quests in the Action (x15) and Creation (x6) groups. To see the full list of Homeland Quests via the top navigation bar, click on WIKI CONTENT > Home Quest. To see the full list of quests within each group click on the [Expand] link.

Rewards Chart[]

Fruit Fruit Tree Tap For Merge For
Orange Orange Tree Possible Rewards Possible Rewards
Os Matureorangetree Magic Gem Magic Gem
Pomegranate Pomegranate Tree Possible Rewards Possible Rewards
Pom Pomegranatetree Magic Gem Magic Gem
Litchi Litchi Tree Possible Rewards Possible Rewards
L Litchitree Magic Gem

Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Gem

Magic Blue Crystal

Rukh Orb (Mini)

Persimmon Persimmon Tree Possible Rewards Possible Rewards
Per Persimmontree Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond

Elf Egg Chests see section 4 green (small)

Elf Egg Chests see section 4 green (small)

Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond Rukh Orb (Mini)

Rukh Orb (Mini)

Rukh Orb (Small)

Mango Mango Tree Possible Rewards Possible Rewards
M Mangotree Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond

Gold Elf Chest

Magic Yellow Diamond

Gold Elf Chest

Magic Gem

Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond

Rukh Orb (Mini)

Rukh Orb

Rukh Orb (Small)

Plum Plum Tree Possible Rewards Possible Rewards
P Plumtree Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond

Gold Elf Chest

Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond

Rukh Orb (Mini)

Rukh Orb

Rukh Orb (Small)

Durian Durian Tree Possible Rewards Possible Rewards
D Duriantree Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond

Magic Red Crystal

Elf Egg Chests see section 4 green (small)

Magic Blue Crystal

Magic Yellow Diamond

Magic Red Crystal

Rukh Orb

Rukh Orb (Small)


Golden Fruits are not part of the Fruits chain as they are associated with the Golden Trees chain and not the Fruit Trees chain. Fruit Chain
